Get Ready for Spring!

When All You Need are Fairies

It’s easy to get lost in the accessories and details that make up a truly extraordinary fairy garden. But sometimes, the fairies themselves are all you really need.

There’s no shortage of fairy figurines on the market. In fact, we’d go out on a limb to say there’s a fairy for every personality – if you know where to look. With expressive features, colorful allure, and even coordinating accents, having the right fairy or set of fairies in your garden may be all you need to draw the eye. introduces you to the largest selection of fairies for your garden. With so many to choose from, it could be difficult to decide, and some may even be overlooked. Here are a few not-to-be-missed fairy figurines that turn any garden into a wonderous display of whimsical fun.

  • Mini Hooded Fairies – Good things really do come in small packages, and in this case, packages of four. Our petite fairies draped in hooded capes and pastel colors are charming additions to any floral display. With sweet cherub faces and brightly colored wings, each fairy has a unique personality and their own story to tell.
  • Caring Animal Fairies – Being one with nature pretty much defines the fairy spirit, but for this collection of fairies it’s about embracing the purity of the environment and embodying an organic life. These four little fairies love to take of the woodland animals who come to visit their fairy gardens.
  • The Magical Mystical Fairies – From Harry Potter to Game of Thrones, the popularity of magical, medieval, and mysterious continues to draw a crowd. Our newest figurines like StephanieCamila, and Ava are as enchanting as they are enigmatic. With intricate detail and their own unique look, it’s easy to conjure up stories that fit each one’s personality.
  • Live to Ride – In this garden it’s not about the need for speed it’s about a way to play. These tiny fairies live to ride but they don’t hop on a hog, they prefer a snail’s pace and a turtles trot, to keep up with their fairy friends.
  • Boy Fairies – Boy fairies are mischievous and playful by nature, fishing, boating and playing in the mud are all a part of a boy fairies life. exists to make the imaginative come alive. We are dedicated to bringing your miniature ideas to life in a huge way. From the moment you add one of our unique fairy doors to your home, you welcome a bond that unites you with the magical and fulfilling universe that is fairy gardening.

Join our community and visit us online to experience the charm and intrigue of small-scale characters with larger than life expressions, and delight in all the little extras that take your micro-gardening to new heights (and depths).

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